Pretty in Pink Mixed Flowers Bouquet

  • Whether it's a gift for Valentine's Day, an anniversary, or a birthday, the Pretty in Pink Mixed Flowers Bouquet is a wonderful expression of love and appreciation for someone special. This bouquet features a collection of pink roses and other flowers, including alstroemeria, carnations, and gerbera daisies—a beautiful combination that is certain to impress any recipient. And remember, you can further personalize your order by including additional items such as a bottle of wine or liquor, or gourmet chocolate. The pictured bouquet is the Large size option. 

  • This bouquet features a selection of gerbera daisies, roses, carnations, alstroemeria, eucalyptus, and ruscus gathered in a floral wrap with a designer ribbon. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift.

Size chart

Our Flower Gifts & Floral Arrangements

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Sheila Abbott
Helped brighten a good time

We didn't get to view this product, but it looked great as it was packaged, so we decided to send it to someone because we're all isolated. Even though it was not delivered until several days beyond the specified date (due to COVID), we did receive a call from the overjoyed recipient. As a consequence, we are happy with the final product.