Parisian Whisper Tea Rose Bouquet

  • A truly mesmerizing gift suitable for any occasion, the Parisian Whisper Tea Rose Bouquet from New Jersey Blooms, featuring creamy white roses, epitomizes beauty and elegance. This bouquet is an excellent choice for birthdays, anniversaries, and housewarming celebrations, adding an unparalleled touch of sophistication to any space it graces. It serves as the perfect bouquet to commemorate Mother's Day, expressing your deep love and appreciation for her. The Pictured Bouquet is the Large option.

  • This bouquet includes a bunch of white tea roses gathered together in a clear cellophane sheet with a ribbon or designer twine. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift. 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Yashima Clarke

Parisian Whisper Tea Rose Bouquet

Barbara Paul
Beautiful birthday bouquet during holiday season !

The flowers arrived on time in perfect condition. They were for my Mum’s 95th birthday and she was thrilled with the vibrant colours and beautiful fragrance.

Eleanor Wood

I am so happy I found New York Blooms!

The flowers are gorgeous, great price, and the gift choice add-ons is incredible!

I’m definitely going to be a repeat customer!

Dana Bergman
Good wine and beautiful flowers

The delivery was late at night so my brother got the gift in the morning (the cake wasn't so good after that delivery). the company made a mistake with the products (probably out of stock) but my brother got another gift instead. which was nice :)

Faran Krentcil
Beautiful and carefully delivered

This bouquet completely made my friend's day; it was beautiful, carefully delivered, on time, and with great quality flowers. Thank you!