First Whisper of Spring Daisy Bouquet

  • Indulge in the fresh brilliance of the First Whisper of Spring Daisy Bouquet from New Jersey Blooms. Featuring a delightful mix of white and purple daisies, this bouquet exudes cheer and peace. Whether it's for a housewarming or simply to convey your thoughts to your loved ones, this charming bouquet is sure to captivate! The Featured bouquet is the 20 stem size option.

  • This bouquet includes white and purple daisies gathered with ruscus in a floral wrap and tied with a designer ribbon. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Eleni Mantikou

Everything was fine!

Amina Williamson
Liked the bouquet

It was a gorgeous arrangement of soothing daisies with vibrant lilacs. A perfect mix of fresh flowers to brighten someone's day. A friend sent me this bunch from across the country and I was delighted with this unexpected gift. Makes a great gift for many occasions.

Ivan Molina
Good value of money

This was my first order on this site and I was a bit apprehensive about ordering as I had no experience or idea whatsoever about this vendor. But the flowers were lush, beautiful and arrayed very attractively. Also pleased with the price of the bouquet and the service. Recommended.