Summer Splash Lily Bouquet

  • Indulge your loved ones with a sophisticated gift such as the Summer Splash Lily Bouquet from New Jersey Blooms. Crafted in a distinctive color and pattern, this bouquet is meticulously arranged by expert florists using the freshest stems. With its subtle infusion of color, this bouquet serves as an excellent present for any occasion. To further personalize this gift, consider adding your choice of wine, champagne, beer, liquor, or gourmet treats from our list of available add-ons. Please Note: The pictured bouquet has 16 stems

  • This bouquet features white lilies and pink alstroemeria gathered in a floral wrap and tied with designer ribbon. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift.

    Please Note: This gift basket contains perishable items. To guarantee freshness, we highly recommend that an express shipping method (Same-Day, Next-Day or Overnight) be used to ship any order consisting of fruits/chocolate-dipped fruits, cakes/baked goods, flowers/plants, cheese, and all other perishable items.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
daisy Ruiz
Wonderful flowers

Wonderful flowers with great service and delivery time!

Libbie Baumbach
Vibrant lilies

Got a bouquet with 25 stems of Peruvian lilies for my uncle and aunt for their 25th wedding anniversary with a bottle of champagne and they just loved the gift. Flowers were velvety and radiant and looked really pretty in a clear glass vase. My aunt really loved it.

Mathias Botsford
4 stars

The flowers were wonderful and were delivered on time. My wife was surprised to see the beautiful bunch sitting on her dressing table and she definitely was pleased. I see no reason not to use your services again. Thank you!