Enchanting Mixed Rose Bouquet

  • The Enchanting Mixed Rose Bouquet from New Jersey Blooms is a stunning floral gift that captivates with its enchanting textures and vibrant, alluring colors. Crafted with luxurious pink rose stems and complemented by filler flowers, this bouquet is a beautiful standalone arrangement. However, you can elevate its charm even further by including some fine wine or gourmet treats. The Pictured Bouquet features the Large size option.

  • This bouquet includes a selection of roses, mini carnations, alstroemeria, and salal in shades of pink. It is tied together in a floral wrap with designer ribbon. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift. 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Jarosław Palczyński

My son has sent the gift from the other side of the world (Poland) and it arrived on time :). Thank you.

Stunning! ✨🌷

Superb service. Excellent arrangement. The recipient loved everything about it. Thank you for going the extra mile!