Summer Hush Rose Bouquet

  • Overflowing with grace and beauty, the Summer Hush Rose Bouquet in white from New Jersey Blooms is a stunning display. Crafted exclusively from luxury white rose stems, this floral gift is ideal for any occasion. Delight your loved ones with this unique bouquet, and enhance its allure by adding your favorite spirits along with a box of our signature chocolate-dipped strawberries, creating an exquisite and personalized gift. The Pictured Bouquet is 16 Stems.

  • This bouquet includes a bunch of white roses gathered together in a floral wrap and tied with designer ribbon. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift. 

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Our Flower Gifts & Floral Arrangements

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Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Marc Cohen
Perfect for the need.

Wonderful in a pinch. I'd rather just purchase everything myself

Julian Clarke
Great samples

My grandchild received the floral Basket Classic as a back-to-school gift. She opened it as a wonderful surprise and got it right. The flowers would make her homework look easier, she claimed.

David Clark
Great Choices

Although this was bought in response to the loss of a loved one, it was joyfully welcomed and served as the gift that lifted our spirits and provided family enjoyment.

Bobby Russell
Flowers were beautiful

Flowers were beautiful, unexpectedly stayed fresh for a long time.

Marley Magaziner

We surprised our newlywed friends with wine and flowers and you delivered in 36 hours! They were thrilled and so were we.