Classic Rose Bouquet

  • Celebrate moments of love and affection with the Classic Rose Bouquet from New Jersey Blooms—a timeless symbol of romance. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or Mother’s Day, this floral gift showcases a beautiful hand-tied selection of red roses, conveying a perfect expression of love. Additionally, you can enhance this gift by pairing it with other items such as gourmet chocolate, a bottle of wine or liquor, and more. Give the gift of beauty and sentiment with every occasion, courtesy of New Jersey Blooms. Please Note: The pictured bouquet has 18 stems.

  • This bouquet includes red roses with decorative greenery accents in a floral wrap tied with a designer ribbon. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this.

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