English Fall Mixed Rose Bouquet

  • Subtle yet sophisticated, the English Fall Mixed Rose Bouquet from New Jersey Blooms is an ideal gift for any refined occasion. Featuring luxurious rose stems meticulously arranged in a hand-tied fashion, this versatile bouquet is designed to captivate the hearts of all who behold its elegance. Please Note: The pictured bouquet is the Large Size Option.

  • This bouquet includes a bunch of yellow, peach and champagne colored roses, as well as spray roses, Limonium, and alstroemeria gathered in a floral wrap and tied with a designer ribbon. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to thisgift.

    Please Note: This gift basket contains perishable items. To guarantee freshness, we highly recommend that an express shipping method (Same-Day, Next-Day or Overnight) be used to ship any order consisting of fruits/chocolate-dipped fruits, cakes/baked goods, flowers/plants, cheese, and all other perishable items.

Size chart

Our Flower Gifts & Floral Arrangements

Substitution Policy

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Barbara Mckay
Bloody impressed!

It was very easy to order and everything was so great when they arrived.

Iwan Mccullough
Service was really nice as well.

The delivery time was crazy fast and it looked just like what I ordered.

Tanisha Jordan
Very well packaged

They are beautiful as is the packaging! I am very pleased!

Keisha Mosley
Fresh product

Item arrived swiftly. Unheard of recently. And it is exactly as pictured.

Annika Roy
I can highly recommend.

Packaged safely, shipped fast, easy ordering, cute product.